Some people look forward to the December holidays and festivities; others face them with dread, anxiety and heightened levels of depression. Unending demands of cooking meals for more people than usual, entertaining and hosting family gatherings, working within a limited budget and taking care of children who are on holiday can all take their toll.

If you regularly experience the December blues, here are some practical tips to help you to lower your anxiety levels and cope with the stress:

Setting healthy boundaries is good for your mental health. If you’re not up to it, don’t be forced to open your home to endless gatherings. Be honest, polite and stick to your guns. You need to take care of yourself first.

Bottling things up will only lead to unnecessary outbursts that cause conflict and hurt. Speak to someone you trust. The worst thing you can do is isolate yourself. This will deepen your feelings of despair.

Accept the fact that December is traditionally a period for family to spend time together – whether you get along with them or not. Focus on each person’s strong points and try to accept them as they are. Remind yourself that December is once a year.

Don’t schedule too many gatherings over short periods of time. Give yourself the space to breathe in between. If you keep a calendar handy, you’ll be able to see at a glance what you have planned.

Struggling to make your money stretch over the festive season is a challenge many people face. Start each month with a realistic budget and stick to it, as far as possible. There will always be unexpected expenses, so add a buffer to your budget to help you to cope with December money woes.

Take a walk with the dogs, read a good book, watch your favourite series, and stock up on convenient meals and snacks that the family can help themselves to, relieving you of the constant burden of having to cook and clean.

Many parents often feel guilty when other kids get luxurious gifts or go on expensive holidays they can’t afford for their family. Don’t fall into this trap. Explain to your children that the festive season is a time to celebrate family and make memories, regardless of where you are.

Eat healthily, exercise and don’t drink excessively.

Eating healthily, exercising regularly and keeping alcohol to a minimum will lift your spirits and help you to feel good about yourself.

If you have difficulty dealing with the December blues, consider getting professional

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