Pain Control

Life can be a pain. We all experience various types of pain at different times: headache, back pain, period pain, neck pain, and tummy ache are known to most of us. Some have injuries. Others develop nasty arthritis. The list of causes and types of pain is long. Modern medicine can offer quite a [...]

By |2024-07-23T11:51:55+02:00July 23rd, 2024|Features|0 Comments


Loneliness has been described as a mismatch between the amount and quality of social interaction experienced and the amount desired. That seems fairly clear and we all know what loneliness is. One subtlety worth noting is that the idea of loneliness hinges on a mis-match. A certain  lifestyle might trigger loneliness on one person [...]

By |2024-07-23T11:23:08+02:00July 23rd, 2024|Features|0 Comments

Practicing Self-Compassion

Self-compassion means showing kindness to yourself. It means accepting yourself for who you are, imperfections and all. Self-compassion does not mean giving up on growth and self-improvement. Instead, it's about understanding that you are a work in progress, with strengths and weaknesses, and knowing that is okay. There are no simple tricks for developing [...]

By |2024-07-23T11:39:56+02:00July 23rd, 2024|Features|0 Comments

Winter Immunity Boosters

Fresh, nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables are packed with antioxidants, which can help boost immunity and fight off colds and flu. Antioxidants work to reduce cell damage caused by free radicals and oxidative stress, which is heightened during periods of increased inflammation, like during an infection. Eating whole, natural, and minimally processed or unprocessed food [...]

By |2024-07-09T12:31:22+02:00July 9th, 2024|Features|0 Comments
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