In an emergency situation you may not always know how best to react or take control of the situation. ICAS has compiled a checklist to assist you with the some key procedures to follow during an Emergency.
Car Accident:
- Check if anyone needs medical attention
- Call for medical assistance
- Obtain other driver information (including driver’s license and ID no.; car registration, make and model; insurance details, home and work address and contact information including alternate numbers)
- Inform immediate family
- Lodge accident report at nearest police station within 24 hours
- Obtain case number
- Notify insurance
- Explore need for trauma debriefing
- Referral to ICAS
- Keep calm and contain emotions
- Notify immediate family
- Make arrangements for children
- Contact medical professional for death certificate
- Contact funeral home
- Enquire about any funeral policies
- Refer for bereavement counselling
- Check if anyone needs medical attention
- Call for medical assistance if necessary
- Call family for assistance
- Report incident to police within 24 hours
- Obtain a case number
- Inform insurance
- Arrange for trauma debriefing
Medical Emergency:
- Call an ambulance
- Use precaution to prevent exposure to bodily fluids
- Refrain from moving person unless absolutely necessary
- Note the time of the incident (when was the last time you talked to person and how long has person been unconscious)
- Seek any employee with first aid experience
- Call family to explore possible medical conditions/medical history
- Check for medic alert bracelet, gather any medication person may be on
- Explore need for debriefing
Suicidal employee:
- Check for plan
- Check for means
- Contract around safety depending on risk profile
- If high risk either inform family member or friend
- Or obtain psychiatric assessment (any hospital casualty)
- Explore need for debriefing for remaining staff
Written by LifeAssist