Let’s try five simple questions to see what you know about health and wellness. Just note your answers (TRUE or FALSE) first and then scroll down…

  1. Passive smoking is a non-issue really
  2. All fizzy drinks are equally unhealthy
  3. Cancer outcomes are improving
  4. Of the three types of exercise (aerobic or cardio; strength or resistance; stretching or flexibility) aerobic / cardio is probably the most important.
  5. In a first aid emergency the first thing to do is to take your own pulse

Now, let’s take a look at the answers

  1. Passive smoking is a non-issue really.

FALSE. It has been clearly shown that passive smoking affects health. It worsens allergies, affects asthma, and can lead to longer term breathing and other problems. And that’s besides the smell and general unpleasantness that smoking creates. Perhaps some “zealots” go a bit too far, seeking to never be closer than 100m from any smoker, shrieking at the sight of a cigarette, forever lecturing and haranguing puffers, or similar. There is room for a little tolerance and some compromise certainly. We are all human, Even the smokers. But yes, passive smoking is really a thing.

  1. All fizzy drinks are equally unhealthy.

FALSE. While it has been shown that all fizzy drinks are less healthy than plain water, it is clear that two main types of fizziness are a good deal less damaging: Sugar free soft drinks are MUCH better from a weight control and health viewpoint. The hidden-sugar in sugary drinks is truly one of the today’s must-avoid things. It is also true that fizzy drinks like simple sparkling water and soda water are likely to be less damaging than the artificially flavoured and coloured options many choose.

  1. Cancer outcomes are improving.

TRUE. While it may be true that cancers (or certain cancers) are seemingly more common than was the case in the past (even this is complex and doubtful because we make far earlier and more accurate diagnoses than was ever the case in the past), outcomes are certainly improving. Modern treatments and ongoing research have made a major impact in the treatment of most cancers. Some, like cancer of the cervix, can now even be prevented.

  1. Of the three types of exercise (aerobic or cardio; strength or resistance; stretching or flexibility) aerobic / cardio is probably the most important.

TRUE. Of the many benefits exercise confers, cardio is associated with the most benefits, for most average-ish people. Cardio improves mood and energy, fitness, long term health, and much more. If you can only do one, do cardio (but please, try to do all three). And if you do all three, try making cardio about 60-70% of your workout.

  1. In a first aid emergency the first thing to do is to take your own pulse.

TRUE. Well, kind of….this is an old joke from a book called “The House of God”. It is, clearly, tongue in cheek. Sort of. In a true medical emergency, most of us have a tendency to panic, to rush, to dive in carelessly. This is where a moment’s pause, to, literally or figuratively, take your own pulse, can be helpful. Extremely. Stay calm. Think carefully. Look around you. Be safe. Prioritise. Breathe. Now …you’re ready to save a life…

So there is some health & wellness myth busting. We hope it is helpful, interesting, and thought-provoking.

Written by Dr Colin Burns