Almost all parents will tell you that too much sugar can make their kids “hyper”. The sugar-rush-theory is well established and has been around for some 50 years now.

But….the evidence shows that sugar does not actually change the behaviour of children. Noticeably or measurably or consistently. Many studies. Around the world. Reputable work.

It seems that most hyperactivity in children is caused by:

  • Inadequate sleep (really more common than is appreciated)
  • Emotional or family issues
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (the actual diagnosed condition, involving at least a specialist child psychiatrist)
  • Temperament or personality
  • Circumstances (e.g. 15 other excited kids will do it most times, sugar or no sugar)

…and this new-ish understanding that sugar may not be a factor at all, or a very small one, may help us to look harder and identify some of these other causes and issues.

Now, many parents will now be furiously disputing this in their minds. “What nonsense. I know my kids. I have seen what sugar does…..” Fair enough. We are not about to argue about your experience with your own family!  But we thought this sufficiently surprising, interesting, and important, as to be worth sharing with you. Google it, see what you think…

NOTE: sugar is still a poor-quality nutrient in many ways. It can cause obesity, diabetes, rotten teeth and much more. Some sugar is fine of course – we think childhood would not be quite the same without some sugar – but we still suggest limiting the dose as much as possible. Your child will thank you.

Written by Dr Colin Burns